Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 3

I do have to say this class is an adventure so far. From our Wednesday migratory habits to Thursday pajama day. Friday's class I felt we finally got started. Until Friday it seemed like we were just being told what the tools were. Friday shifted us into second gear. The web 2.0 tools are something you could get lost in, but with proper guidance coupled with internal motivation to understand them. I'm getting the hang of them. I particularly was amazed with the creative story writing segment in our class. It got very confusing for a moment, but eventually got the hang of it. When I tried google docs later on an older computer it didn't work as well. Proving that to teach these tools you need to have have the most current hardware. I realize that we only scratched the surface of the tools we learned about, and the rest is up to us. Teaching these tools to students opens up a realm of creativity for the teacher as well as the students projects. I find it particularly interesting that google would not teach their products, just show you what they could do. The only thing I didn't like was the constant switching of windows when building anything. I sometimes think gathering your elements into a local folder and uploading it later would although be somewhat time consuming, more effective.

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